

Aku sungguh letih
Berlari menari-nari
Aku telah mencoba
Sekuat tenaga kucoba

Keringatku mungkin sudah habis
Air mataku sudah mengering
Aku tak kuat lagi
Sungguh sakit yang kurasa

Kukira mereka begitu berharga
Ternyata hanya begitu saja
Kakiku sudah cukup lemas
untuk menopang tubuhku

Sungguh berat kurasa tubuh ini
Aku kini tak sanggup lagi
Tuhan bantu aku berdiri
Sungguh sulit bagiku untuk merasa kini



When all you can do is leave me
When all my heart is scattered 
Where are you
Where have you go

When memories are pulling me backwards
When my visions are only about you, and only you
I have no other thoughts 
I am dumb enough, to be fooled

I'm such a fool for you
I fell hard and crashed
I jumped high, but no one has ever pulled me back
I secretly hoped you knew, but then it was too late

Right from the start I knew you are the one
But then I was wrong
My heart tells me to go on
but my soul is stolen anyway

It was all too late for now
Thanks for being there for me that moment. 
Just so you know, I love you and I always will



Why do you put me here?
I'm standing out of nowhere
Out of your sight forever
Out in the dark

Why do you leave me?
I'm lonely and in jeopardy
I'm starving and devastating

Why do you stop?
When everything is going just fine
When I'm trying to convince you
When all I do is wait for you

Why are you even here?
Go, don't remember me
Let happiness be among you 

a needle in this big and confusing world