

In the edge of this cliff
Behind all the doubts
In front of the miseries
Led by the shining lights

I waited for this moment
I long to live for this second
This time, this butterfly can fly free
This time, all those burden will fade away

I miss you.

Knowing that I won't be able to see your smile,
Knowing that I might've fell again,
It kills me

It kills me knowing that I will be missing you,
While you'll never even know what I felt deep within
It kills me waiting for someone that'll never be there for me

The smell of your perfume
The way you get your hair done
The way you walked with your hands in your pocket
The way you smiled
The way you looked at me,
Yeah, I miss those

I miss you :(
I miss every single thing we had
I miss our late night talks
I miss our little calls
I miss how you held my hands,
It was warm
I miss the way you used to tease me
I miss the way you call my pet name
I miss you

I do
I always does

I lied
I know.

I know what you felt for her
A heartbreaking fact that torn me away
A never-ending shot right in the middle of my heart
A sharp bullet shredding my heart to small pieces

I miss you
I love you
and I always will



Haruskah aku mundur?
Haruskah aku menepi?
atau haruskan ku pergi?

Kobaran api itu
memang aku pelakunya
Sambaran petir itu
memang aku yang mengirimnya

Kini kau perlahan pergi
meninggalkan jejak pahitnya masa kini
meninggalkan fatamorgana cinta ini
meninggalkan harapan senja hari

Ya, aku memang wanita
Memang akulah yang seharusnya lebih perasa
Lebih menghargai cinta kasih tulusmu
Kini semua hangus bak tertiup debu

Aku tak kuat lagi

Aku kira kau masih mencintaiku
Aku kira kau masih menungguku
Aku kira kau cukup tegar
Aku kira hanya aku satu

Kini kau jelas berpaling
Kini kau jelas berbalik
Kau bukanlah kau yang dulu
Kau bukanlah orang yang kucintai

Beribu doa kupanjatkan
Ternyata hanya bintang yang mengerti
Ternyata hanya bulan yang mendengar
Ternyata hanya fatamorgana cintamu

Sungguh perih hati ini
Tersakiti, aku tak kuat lagi


Apa artinya?

Apa artinya aku menunggu kamu?
Apa gunanya aku sabar menunggu?
Mau kau apakan cintaku?
Mau kau apakan hatiku?

Selama ini aku memang berpura-pura
Tapi bukan berarti aku tidak peduli
Bukan berarti aku sengaja 
Bukan berarti aku tak mencintai 

Terlambat sudah kini 
Semua sudah terlalui 
Semua hanya sia-sia saja
Menghilang dalam sekejab mata

Selamat tinggal cinta
Selamat berpisah harapan
Berbahagialah engkau disana



Memangnya sehina itukah aku?
Memangnya separah itukah aku?
Memangnya aku tak boleh merindukan dirimu?
Memangnya aku berdosa jika aku sangat menyayangimu


Back Then

Back then when the light dimmed
Back then when all I hear is only your voice
Back then when all I see is only your face
Back then when all I trust is your warmth
Back then when my heart is still as one

I trusted you
so I gave you all my heart
I treasure you
so I gave you all mine

I used to think that we are destined to be
I used to think that fairytales do exist
I used to think that dreams were meant to come true
I used to think that love does exist in real life

I used to think that I could forgive you
I used to think that you'll never betray me
I used to think that 'we' means forever
I used to believe happy life does exist

But, now I don't.
Now it's broken
Scattered and ruptured
cracked and rumbled



Aku sungguh letih
Berlari menari-nari
Aku telah mencoba
Sekuat tenaga kucoba

Keringatku mungkin sudah habis
Air mataku sudah mengering
Aku tak kuat lagi
Sungguh sakit yang kurasa

Kukira mereka begitu berharga
Ternyata hanya begitu saja
Kakiku sudah cukup lemas
untuk menopang tubuhku

Sungguh berat kurasa tubuh ini
Aku kini tak sanggup lagi
Tuhan bantu aku berdiri
Sungguh sulit bagiku untuk merasa kini



When all you can do is leave me
When all my heart is scattered 
Where are you
Where have you go

When memories are pulling me backwards
When my visions are only about you, and only you
I have no other thoughts 
I am dumb enough, to be fooled

I'm such a fool for you
I fell hard and crashed
I jumped high, but no one has ever pulled me back
I secretly hoped you knew, but then it was too late

Right from the start I knew you are the one
But then I was wrong
My heart tells me to go on
but my soul is stolen anyway

It was all too late for now
Thanks for being there for me that moment. 
Just so you know, I love you and I always will



Why do you put me here?
I'm standing out of nowhere
Out of your sight forever
Out in the dark

Why do you leave me?
I'm lonely and in jeopardy
I'm starving and devastating

Why do you stop?
When everything is going just fine
When I'm trying to convince you
When all I do is wait for you

Why are you even here?
Go, don't remember me
Let happiness be among you 


I miss you

Sometimes when you tried too hard
He never cared
Sometimes when you miss that one thing
He just never knew

When I said 'I always do'
He never cared too
When I said 'I miss you'
He would just stand there like a statue

Can you please know
and Let me love you
With all my heart I gave it you
Please just let me know
If you really do,
Then just show the truth.



Ada apa dengan kamu?
Semakin kucuba untuk menjauh
Semakin kucoba untuk melupakan bayangmu
Kau tepat di tempatmu itu

Itu memang mauku
Aku mau kau bahagia
Aku sungguh tak tahu
Aku hanya tak ingin kehilanganmu

Sulit memang rasanya
Pergi meninggalkan 'dunia'
Disaat bulan masih purnama
Disaat langit tak lagi bersatu

Kapanpun dimanapun
Panggil namaku
Simpan aku
Sebut panggilan sayangmu itu
Aku sungguh masih mencintaimu, kasihku


a needle in this big and confusing world